
04 November 2012

Spode and Ohio

'O H 10' shape
With the 2012 US Presidential election nearing its climax Ohio is very much the centre of the news broadcasts in the UK.

Spode made a shape called Ohio. It amuses me that through some misunderstanding, or some clever wit at work, having seen the word OHIO in uppercase somewhere on the factory, perhaps scratched onto a mould, Ohio shape became known at Spode as O H 10 ie pronounced 'oh-aitch-ten'!

The image of 'O H 10' here is from a catalogue of about 1927 or 1928. The shape was made in both china and earthenware.

I have already mentioned another pattern with a nickname which is Frog pattern and you can find out about it by clicking here for the F page on my Spode ABC. No doubt you will hear from me about other patterns with endearing nicknames in the future...

The full page of Spode teapots
from which Ohio shape, above, is taken, 1927 or 1928